Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Basic B!tch

About a year ago, I was having a deep conversation with a friend discussing the different kinds people i.e. women. 

We came to the conclusion there  were women with goals(which we decided we were) and basic b!tches.   Let me explain..

What we considered women with goals were women who, apparently were outside of their home and appeared to be handling it, mean while basic women are just plain satisfied with the bare necessities(you know food, clothes, and shelter), no career, no job, or any means to provide.for sum it up, no drive for improvement. Or is it?

Up until nearly 2 years ago, I was worker bee and proud of it, however, I would run across these "women".  They aren't avoidable, meaning they do participate in the same activities, shop in the same stores, wore better clothes than I did, etc.  And I felt some kind of way!  While I'm out here struggling to eat, providing a place for my babies a place to sleep, and could barely afford clothes, and, OMG, imma having another one...ah excuse me feeling a little slighted, here.

Humm, could it be that I have the.WRONG idea?  Is it these women, who are seemly doing very well with less, than I who is Ms. Independent Goal Setter, who seems to have more?

Well you know Karma comes around and puts everything in perspective.  Today, I am a Basic B!tch.  Yeah that's right...I don't have no money outside of what Mista gives me, yep, I don't have a car, Mista and the TARC gets me where I need to be, and uh, yeah I do shop on a regular at the mall (thinking about going next week), but most importantly, I make sure that my kids have beyond their "basic needs" met.

Basic B!tch Lake reporting duty...over and out


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