Monday, May 13, 2013

It ain't about you...

Mother's Day is like Christmas for me, and now that I'm a mother, it's gets more exciting.  The part I get to enjoy most is, traditions.  When my sister I were small, we would do an array of things from making cards to putting on performances or even plot surprise gifts. 

I remember my mom looking at the gifts in a bittersweet way, and it would leave us confused.  Now since I am mother of 3, understand now. 

Its not about the gifts I get or the dinner I receive.  I see the beauty of who I am through my babies, good or bad.  These beings is why the day is important.  They are all I got and I will leave in this world.  For me, they make me valid.

The is no gift worth receiving than thanks you get for touching a life.

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